Intuitive Painting
No previous painting experience is required.
What is Intuitive Painting?
Intuitive painting is a process of painting in layers, allowing colors, shapes, lines, images, and words to find their way onto the canvas. No previous painting experience is required.
Prompts and guidance are provided for each layer, but your Inner Knowing ultimately leads the process. The layers of paint are analogous to the layered feelings, beliefs, events, and experiences of our lives. The layering creates a beautiful tapestry of color and depth.
Finally, an image or shape will become the final layer of the painting: an ancient symbol, a spirit animal, or anything that calls to your present moment. The final canvas holds the energy of all that was discovered and experienced in the process.
The process of painting in layers offers an interaction with the canvas as a portal to aspects of you that want or need to be expressed through a kaleidoscope of color and form. Painting accesses the right hemisphere of our brain, where much of our intuitive knowing resides. It is this part of the brain that recognizes, among other things, patterns, connections, wholeness, and a sense of unity with the collective.
The experience is unlike any other
One student reported that she carried her painting from room to room between sessions. She exclaimed,
“I’m having a relationship with my painting!”
So beautifully said!
Insights arise during the process
Creativity is sparked and stoked. Present-moment peace finds its way into the mind, calming thoughts and worries. The process becomes medicine for the soul. Movement and journaling accompany the process to offer a full experience of embodying the journey within. Allow the canvas to take you into deeper terrain of your being. Through the act of painting, we begin to see how we create our life each and every moment. The canvas offers an opportunity to hone those skills with focus, clarity, and awareness.
Create, and paint the life you long to live!
It all begins with an expression of a feeling...
It’s not about making something, but about feeling something…
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