Group Painting
Group sessions allow enough time for an initial instruction, time with the canvas, and conversation and sharing after the painting process.
Why group painting?
Painting in a group is a fun way to explore the process of intuitive painting. The group becomes a container of energy that holds each individual yet has a unique feel of the “whole” or collective.
Often friendships are formed and a deep respect for another’s path.
How group sessions make an impact
Through the act of sharing with the group and listening to one another’s experiences, insights are more readily available. A shared experience brings the process to another level. Connections are made: within and with others. Sharing sparks AHAs! and connects us where we are similar and where our differences may bring greater understanding.
What can you expect from attending a group session?
Group sessions allow enough time for an initial instruction, time with the canvas, and conversation and sharing after the painting process.
Each individual is encouraged to share within the safe space created for the class. If the session includes individual painting, each person is encouraged to find a space to quietly work with their canvas OR painting beside one another (whichever feels more comfortable). After the painting process is finished, each member may share their experience, insights and their canvas with the group. Mutual respect and non-judgment are the guiding principles as we explore our inner dialogue and connection to the painting process. And of course, fun and laughter are part of the process, too!
Explorations become shared adventures and journeys to greater awareness.
Contact Me
for a free consultation!
Looking to jump in with a buddy or a group? Contact me to discuss upcoming workshops or classes.